Friday, January 10, 2014

Entry 1

So I have started a blog. This is not something the average bunny would do, but as my momma says, I am "no average bunny." I live in a cage, in a house with three humans. A man, a woman and a young girl. I also have a feline who they call my 'sister'. I did have a canine best friend, her name was Nadia, but she has left us and is never coming back. My humans won't tell me what happened, but my momma human made it very clear to me the other day as she held me tight in her arms, stood by the back window and said, "See outside? It's pretty huh? Well, I will never let you go outside again. We will be enjoying this view from the inside." Then she kissed me and said, "I'm sorry about the Fox jokes..." It took me a while to ponder why she'd say that. But then I remembered. Not too far in the recent past I growled and snapped at my humans and one of them threatened to put my outside to be 'Fox Bait" - whatever that means. The feline, who affectionately is called Piper the Puma, rolls her eyes at me a lot. She thinks she is superior. However, I still have my claws. I try not to rub that in too often, but whenever I see those eyes roll back, and I just bust out my claws. Seems Fair.
My momma human takes care of two other kids everyday and they are about the same age as my other human. One is a boy, the other a girl. The boy is intimidated by me, but I have learned over time that this is simply a female thing. We as a species are intimidating. The feline just rolled her eyes - yet she is female too; I show her my claws. The young girl is sweet to me, she might be the only one who recognizes my space and who overflows my food bowl. I like her. The humans refer to her as Amber, but I find 'young human with the curly hair' easier to remember.
I don't remember much about being a baby, I only know what it's like to be apart of this family. I must come from a royal bloodline or something. It's not very often my kind has an entire family. I even have a grandmother! She calls me her grandbunny. I had no idea these existed in our world, but in this family it does. God must think these people are pretty special to have me to take care of. :)
I guess I'm pretty lucky too. However... my humans make the most awkward of sounds.

The feline says this is normal. I'll have to take her word for it.


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